DIY Interactive 3D models from Photos
Bring your camera and computer, and turn anything you want into an interactive 3D object! This was the outcome of a two-day workshop...
Espoo's 3D City Model Hackathon
From 9th till 11th October 2015 the Energizing Urban Ecosystems[1] organized at the “Stage” in Aalto Design Factory, the first 3D City...
Ueberpreneurs need a lot of Ueberidiots
Different opinions and discussion are the basis of democracy (referring here to Mouffes' agonistic pluralism, where it is not a consensus...
Cabaret Voltaire, bring uns die alten Reaktionäre von 1916!
Alter und Akademische Titel sind glücklicherweise nicht synonym für Reife und Wissen. Daran sollten wir uns alle immer wieder erinnern....