Suicide bear, for a more sustainable society

According to some, it is sustainable if it looks like it has used local materials despite the complex wooden ribs and swimming pools in a savanna!
Both ribs and pool, unlikely I suspect, having had been manufactured alongside Elephants or filled in with rain water.
The project is entitled:
"A Sustainable Safari Lodge Arrives In Botswana":
"The scheme design is luxurious, sculptural and clean, from the twelve elevated guest suites to the sweeping timber ribs in the main areas leading to the dramatic curved bar." (cf. contemporist 2015)
Misleading examples for a sustainable world are plenty out there, but my favorite is still from Bono of the band U2, preaching for the end of poverty while evading taxes through the tax haven tricks:
Bono told Sky News that just because he had campaigned for a fairer society it did not mean he had to be “stupid” in business.
(cf. guardian 2015)
I call out for SeppuKuma, the suicide bear, for a more sustainable society! "Nice and easy my friend, for sustainability, that's right."