3D scans, 360 videos, photogrammetry and Bitcoin mining at the Hyrsylän Koulu Cohousing
The process of investigating the best way to turn Hyrsylän Koulu into a pilot project for cohousing is ongoing.

Pic. 1 Some of the students and Pedro Aibéo, photo by Paula Ojansuu, 2018
Two students of Metropolia did today a full laser scanning of the outside and inside of the main Building:
Other two students did 360 photos inside and outside of the building.

Pic. 2 metropolia students taking a 360 of the school's gym
And 3 other other students did some further evaluation of the possibility of heating the building from bitcoin mining. Here Max Nguyen explaining about it:
I also met with Paula Ojansuu and Lotta Paakkunainen. We had a great chat about the ongoing process, our plans and the concerns of the locals.
All these efforts are for several reasons:
- 1st, to keep a good record of the historical record of how this building is now,
- 2nd to have a detailed model of this complex structure.
If we combine both, we can plan things better and even attach memories into it digitally. The stories of former teachers and students and of the soldiers who went to war from this place, will be shown in the school and in a virtual model of the school.
Two weeks ago on the 28th February, we had also students making measurements. The cooperation with the Metropolia University is going well. The 8 students are producing a set of 3D models out of different data, from classical measurements, to laser scanning and photogrammetry (to make 3D models from normal photos!)
With these, this project will benefit from having detailed 3D plans of its structure. We also hope that some of the students will continue to be engaged with this process on their research for mutual benefit. Here is a short peek of what is coming out of it:

Pic. 3 revit model draft by metropolia
We also met with officials of the city of Lohja to go though some open questions. Me, Pedro Aibéo, the project initiator and the invited Architect Nina Linde met with the city officials of Lohja. They really like the project and are forward thinking people. The fire safety regulations became stricter early this year so that is likely to be a challenge for the proposed strategy. We went through several points in 1,5 hours, from taxes, accessibility, heritage classification, contracts, etc. We are continuing the talks.
Paula Ojansuu, a former student of this school, visited us also on the 28th February and I interviewed her in a 360 camera letting her tell some stories attached to the rooms.
More soon...
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Article by: Pedro Aibéo

Pedro Aibéo is a Design Architect and Civil Engineer with over 50 buildings designed and built worldwide, currently practicing at AIBEO architecture. He is a Kone FoundationResearch Fellow at Aalto University for the Doctoral Research of “Architectural Democracy” and a Visiting Associate Professor at UNAM University, Mexico. His research and practice interests are multidisciplinary spanning from arts, science, design and politics