Architectural Democracy invited to Palestine
The Architectural Democracy Research based at Aalto University, Finland, has been invited to give a series of lectures in Palestine in May 2018. This invitation came directly from Professor Ray Langenbach who is leading the LAPS master’s degree program of the University of Arts of Helsinki.

Such lectures are relevant to share both the knowledge on the crucial relationship between architecture and politics as well as to collect data for this research: Palestine is an unique case where such relationship is directly experienced through the construction of Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory. It is pressing to collect data from this unique moment in history.
Article by: Pedro Aibéo

Pedro Aibéo is a Design Architect and Civil Engineer with over 50 buildings designed and built worldwide, currently practicing at AIBEO architecture. He is a Kone FoundationResearch Fellow at Aalto University for the Doctoral Research of “Architectural Democracy” and a Visiting Associate Professor at UNAM University, Mexico. His research and practice interests are multidisciplinary spanning from arts, science, design and politics