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New Gamified Cohousings in Kannus and Lappeenranta

Kanavansuu School in lappeenranta and Kannus Railway Station are now being transformed into Gamified Cohousings. What is this and what opportunities are there for the region?

Gamified Cohousing turns abandoned buildings into economies. It creates a mix of private and public spaces, and it introduces cohousing and coworking spaces into it. All of this is managed via a gaming app, that makes it all easier and above all, fun! This means people living and working there can interact better with each other and with the local community, socially but also in the exchange of services. For example, you can live at the Gamified Cohousing and pay less rent if you do some chores for the house.

So far, Gamified Cohousing has five projects in Finland, in Lohja, Oulu, Kajaani, Lappeenranta and Kannus. They are all historical buildings! Gamified Cohousing will be showing their ideas in the Oulu Housing Fair of 2025 and at the Venice Biennale of Architecture of 2025.

Gamified Cohousing in Kannus
Gamified Cohousing in Kannus

The team of Gamified Cohousing has already started renovation works here in Lappeenranta and Kannus. It also started to hold meetings with local people and businesses. Many ideas are rising and we will soon hold events to present our plans and to invite local people to bring in their ideas and business proposals. For more information visit:

Pedro Aibéo, 13.09.2023


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