Architectural Democracy
photos by Pedro Aibéo
26th + 27th September 2015
9:00-12:00 / 14:00-17:00
@ LeSpace
45 Euros (normal tickets)
30 Euros (reduced, for pensioners, disabled and students)
10 Euros (for Aalto Students, limited to first 15)
#Architecture #Technology #DIY #Photogrammetry
Workshop on Interactive 3D models from Photos
Learn how to take photos of your home and turn them into an interactive 3D model!
Opi tekemään interaktiivisia 3D-tietokonemalleja kotona ottamistasi kuvista
Opi tekemään 3D tietokonemalleja kotisi eri huoneista saksalaisten, portugalilaisten ja suomalaisten asiantuntijoiden johdolla rentoutuneessa ilmapiirissä.
This event is part of Helsinki Design Week’s programme
The largest design festival in the Nordic countries and of the elecTRICITY festival
organized by
in collaboration with
From photos to interactive 3D model!s (here our last trial done at night time! :-))
Case Study Helsinki | Residential 3D scanning | |
LOD 4 of the room |
Fig. 1 example of a 2014/2015 workshop outcome for a residential building in Kallio / Viipurinkatu
Kaksipäiväinen työpaja pidetään LeSPACEssa.
Työpajaan voivat osallistua kaikki yli 8-vuotiaat. Työpajassa opitaan ottamaan kuvia omasta kodista ja tekemään kuvista 3D-malleja, jotka liitetään internetissä olevaan interaktiiviseen karttaan.
Osallistumismaksu on 45 euroa/30euroa, mikä kattaa asiantuntijoiden matkustuskulut. Työpajaan otetaan mukaan oma kannettava tietokone wifi-yhteydellä ja oma kamera (myös kännykkäkamera käy). Osallistujien tulee osata käyttää tietokonetta ja ottaa valokuvia.
Työpaja on osa kansainvälistä arkkitehtonista demokratiaa käsittelevää tutkimusta. Tutkimusryhmämme uskoo, että huoneita, joissa vietämme suurimman osan elämästämme, voidaan käyttää open source -tietokannan rakentamiseen, jolla voidaan edistää yhteisön hyvinvointia. Tämä lisää kaupunkiemme historian tuntemusta, sekä sen teknisten yksityiskohtien, talouden ja sosiaalisen kanssakäymisen ymmärtämistä.
Kurssi pidetään pääasiassa englanniksi, mutta suomenkielistä opetusta on myös tarjolla. Yhteydenotot englanniksi, kiitos!
Learn how to make an interactive 3D model of the rooms of your house with your own photo camera. A hands-on, two day workshop, with experts from Germany, Portugal and Finland, in a relaxed environment.
On a two day workshop at LeSPACE, we invite everyone above the age of 8 to learn how to take photos of their home and turn them into an interactive 3D model. These new 3D models will be placed online, in an online map, so you can share them with your friends. They will allow interaction with the 3D objects you created.
Bring your own laptop with wi-fi connection and a camera (also mobile phone camera possible). Participants should know how to use a computer and take photos!
This workshop is part of the international research on “Architectural Democracy” based at Aalto University. Our team believes we can use the rooms where we spend most of our lives, as sources of open source information to edit and share among citizens for community well-being. Not only is this a tool to create time machines to understand the history of our cities but to understand its economics, technicalities and social relationships, for a fairer society based on transparency.
The course is held mainly in English but Finnish is also available. Please contact us in English.
Prof. Rolf Kruse (Interactive Designer / Germany)
Pedro Aibéo (Design Architect / Finland)
Hugo Pires (Photogrammetry expert / Portugal)
Prof. Gabriel Falcao (Electrical and Computer Engineer / Portugal)
@ léspace, Kuortaneenkatu 8, Helsinki
26th + 27th September 2015
9:00-12:00 / 14:00-17:00
@ LeSpace
45 Euros / 30 Euros buy ticket here
#Architecture #Technology #DIY #Photogrammetry
Everyone above the age of 8 (or around!)
is welcomed.
Both experts or amateurs are welcomed.
For example:
software developers, designers, urban innovators, game designers, architects...
to save valuable time the participants should install software on their computer in advance:
- Autodesk 3ds Max 2016 30-day-Trial
- 123D Catch
- Visual SFM
- Meshlab
Please bring your own laptop and smartphone (or camera)
Unity Step By Steps for Sunday!
We'l use the first session to introduce 3d scanning concepts and for tackling issues concerning photo capture. Between the two sessions each one makes his own photo capture (at home, work, street). In session 2 we'll build models from the photos each one took using on-line processing (123D Catch) and learn how to edit them in a 3D editor (MeshLab). During the two sessions we'll use Visual SFM to explain how the photogrammetric engine works because with 123D catch you don't see anything of what's going on. By the end of workshop, participants will know how to build simple 3d models from photos and how to edit them. As a final task, the models can be uploaded in sketchfab and be available for everyone.
We might have an Oculus Rift along and also the Dive-Smartphone-Case and we will organize some cardboards (for middle and large sized devices). That would be much more “democratic” than one Rift (and easier to organize). In this case the challenge will be to reduce the 3D model to a minimum, so that it runs on typical smartphones.
questions? Send us an email